


How should one prepare for the first outside competition of the year?

Unprepared! Exmouth Archers Bows and Targets

Changing the limbs, changing the arrows, changing the draw length and not shooting at the competition distance with this new set-up is not the best approach!

I had entered as a Veteran for the Exmouth Archers WA60. Unfortunately, too few had decided to shoot the WA60, so I ended up on the WA70.

On an extremely hot and sunny day, everything started very well, and the first half of the first WA70, which was a ‘double’, went very well. Unfortunately, it then started to go steadily downhill.

It was not helped by not noticing for a couple of ends that the arrow rest was slowly becoming detached from the riser. Things did improve slightly when it was replaced.

The good news is that the forecasted thunderstorms didn’t arrive, and all my arrows hit the target, although too few in the ‘yellow bit in the middle’.

Nevertheless, the overall result was better than average, and I did walk away with the Veterans Trophy.

A very well organised and friendly event at Exmouth, I recommend any of you to visit their outdoor, or indoor, competitions in the future.

Lessons learnt – – shoot more arrows and improve upper body strength so that the 160th arrow is less of a struggle.

Steve Robertson

Unprepared! Exmouth Archers Ernie Pratt Veterans Trophy

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