Christmas at Halsway Manor 2019

Bowmen of Danesfield Christmas Dinner

Our Annual Christmas Bash.

What a great evening we had at the Bowmen of Danesfield Christmas dinner. It was once again at Halsway Manor in West Somerset.

We started off with drinks in the bar and a chance for some lively discussion, everybody then went on through to the great hall where we took our seats in eager anticipation of the Christmas Meal.

We were served by some lovely ladies from Halsway Manor a fantastic feast – our thanks to them, they could have not been any nicer or more helpful.

During the evening we took part in an enjoyable table quiz which caused quite a lot of lively fun. The winners of the quiz who obviously spend quite a lot of time watching TV were Michelle, Sheila, Gerry and Michael.

Finally, it was awards time and Gerry did a great job in presenting the awards for 2019.

Firstly he gave out the Virtual Archery League awards of which the club succeeded in receiving 12 awards.

Archer of the Year Awards in each bow type as follows:

Gents Recurve

  • Gold – Kevin King
  • Silver – Courtenay Welsh
  • Bronze – Taylor Koppa

Ladies Recurve

  • Joint Gold – Lia and Eloise Welsh

Gents Barebow

  • Gold – Ian Bailey
  • Silver – Trampas
  • Bronze – Graham Pow

Ladies Barebow

  • Gold – Pauline Brown
  • Silver – Charlotte Bailey

Jack and Jill Trophy

  • Ian and Charlotte Bailey

Club Award

  • Sheila Robbins

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